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About the Covington Woods Swim Team

As a member of the Southwest Houston Recreational Swim League (SHRSL), we provide an environment of fun, safe, and highly competitive swimming for children ages 4 - 18. We are located in Covington Woods, a well established subdivision in the shadows of the sugar mill in Sugar Land, and have been a vital part of Sugar Land since 1976.

As part of the Stingray family, swimmers are given the opportunity to not only learn to swim, but to also learn the importance of teamwork, responsibility, patience, integrity, sportsmanship and community.

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2024 CWST Sponsors!

Thank you to our sponsors for their generosity by supporting our team for the 2024 season!

Want to sponsor the Covington Woods Swim Team? View our available Sponsorship Opportunities HERE! (INCLUDING PURCHASING ONLINE) -or- Email CWST Board, for more details!

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