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How To: Volunteer Sign-Up

We need help from EVERY family at EVERY meet. At home meets there are more than 150 jobs to fill and we need to know we can count on every family to help. Away meets have fewer jobs, but they all need to be filled as well.

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Step 1

Sign up by clicking the "Schedule" menu tab. This will bring up a schedule with every event scheduled for the entire season, including social events and volunteer needs outside of meets.

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Step 2

You will find a GREEN button marked "Job Signup" for each event that requires volunteers.

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Step 3

Click the GREEN "Sign up for Jobs" button for the volunteer you're selecting a job for at this event. 

***REMEMBER*** Each adult associated with the swimmer will have a job sign up button. Every volunteer sign up will go towards fulfilling your family's volunteer requirement of 5 points. 

Please keep in mind! There are more than 150 jobs that need to be filled at each meet. If you wish to signup beyond your 5 points, YOU CAN!!! We need every family to help in some way. There are jobs to fit every person. Not sure what to pick? Ask our Volunteer Coordinator – Jess Vasquez at practice the first weeks of the season!

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Step 4

Select the job(s) you wish to volunteer for. You are welcome to pick one job for the first half of the meet and another for the second half.

Note: Our age group tent parents must PASS our League required Background Check. No other adult, other than a Assigned Tent Parent that PASSED the background check, may sit with swimmers during the meet inside the tent. Stroke Judges, Starters, and Announcers require certification yearly. Click here for more info on how to get certified. It's easy!


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If you have any questions, or just need some help, please reach out directly to our Parent Volunteer Coordinator - Patricia Ward

Parent Volunteer Coordinator

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2024 CWST Sponsors!

Thank you to our sponsors for their generosity by supporting our team for the 2024 season!

Want to sponsor the Covington Woods Swim Team? View our available Sponsorship Opportunities HERE! (INCLUDING PURCHASING ONLINE) -or- Email CWST Board, for more details!

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